Autonomous AI Can Reduce Traffic Accidents & Deaths, Says Expert Report

May 12, 2023

For a fresh take on how AI can revolutionize sectors like transport, healthcare, and cybersecurity for the better, read the latest article from Top Apps AI!

Are you starting to get a little 'freaked out' by the unstoppable rise of AI? If you're looking for a more balanced look at what the technology can offer society, check out the new report from Top Apps AI!

The article - '3 Research-Backed Use Cases Of Autonomous Artificial Intelligence' - offers you an in-depth look at how AI is infiltrating multiple sectors and seeks to mitigate the mounting concern over the technology's ability to operate without human intervention.

For an eye-opening look at artificial intelligence, check out Top Apps AI today. More details at

You can access the whole report, written by regular contributor Daniel Coombs, for free via the website. The piece explores autonomous AI's application in transport, healthcare, and cybersecurity and discusses why the benefits that the technology offers outweigh the drawbacks as perceived by the public at large. Maybe all those bots aren't so bad after all?

As regards automated vehicles, data from Mondaq suggests that by 2025 there will be approximately 8 million cars on the road that are driven by AI systems. The article highlights a wide range of benefits from the adoption of this AI and machine-learning-based technology. These include a staggering 90% reduction in traffic accidents as per Science Alert. It's a different narrative than the usual scaremongering found in the media today. This is based on data that shows around 94% of vehicle incidents are caused by human error and lapses in concentration or common sense.

The piece points out that this will be of particular help if you have a disability. Furthermore, the cost of insurance is likely to plummet as a result of the widespread adoption of vehicle automation while the use of electricity to power these new-generation cars will also reduce pollution and help the environment. Starting to sound like a good idea, isn't it?

For the healthcare sector, the infusion of machine learning algorithms and advanced computer science could reduce deaths by 10 to 30%, equating to 14 million lives. According to the article, there is already widespread confidence in the healthcare industry that the technology will improve clinical outcomes. This includes more accurate diagnoses, support for clinical decisions, planning for end-of-life care, and expediting data processing for drug research.

Cybersecurity also stands to benefit from the new wave of AI technology with faster threat identification, automated defenses, improved phishing detection, and reduced human errors. Learn more at

The article says, “82% of the population remains concerned about the application of AI in our daily lives. Explore the many possible benefits of using AI in these industries and how AI is being used to tackle some of the most prolific issues in the fields of transport, healthcare, and cybersecurity.”

For more info, and to read the article in full, go to

For all the whens, hows, and whys of AI, head on over to Top Apps AI!

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