Add An ATM From This Company To Your Store And Pay Low Monthly Fees

Jul 2, 2020

If you haven’t considered the earning potential of an ATM, it’s time that you do! This Indianapolis company supplies ATMs for a fixed monthly fee and does not take part of the surcharge profits.

Did you know that adding an ATM to your store is very easy? Aside from attracting more customers, it can also serve as another revenue source for you!

ATM placement and processing company Access Point ATM offers flat rate pricing on their machines, giving business owners like you the opportunity to earn more from housing the cash dispensers on their premises. The favorable arrangement allows you to enjoy the same affordable fees, starting only at $50, regardless of how many transactions you manage to do in a month.

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The company’s ATM programs feature unique pricing structures. Under the said programs, you only have to pay a low, standard rate per month for the ATM service and processing. This means that instead of splitting the surcharge with them and getting just a percentage of the profit, you get 100% of the revenue generated from all the transactions.

Access Point ATM allows you to assess the viability of the ATM business by having an online earnings calculator on their website. The tool simply requires you to enter your surcharge amount of choice and your estimated number of transactions per month. You also need to indicate whether or not you’ll provide the cash, as well as the ATM, which can be purchased from the company.

Based on the answers provided, the calculator automatically displays the projected monthly and annual revenues from the ATM operations. It also tells you which of the standard programs best matches your business, although the company is open as well to devising a custom plan to suit your specific needs.

Based in Indianapolis, Indiana, Access Point ATM specializes in providing automated teller machines to various establishments all over the country. The company maintains partnerships with ATM manufacturers to deliver the latest machines at the best prices, as well as with ATM service companies throughout the US to provide quick and efficient resolutions to possible machine issues.

Take advantage of this opportunity to boost your business! Visit the above website for additional details.

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