Water and Waste Water Usage Audit To Reduce Utility Costs for Municipalities

Aug 21, 2023

Making environmentally-conscious upgrades to municipal infrastructure should be a priority, not a budget drain! Onsite Utility Services Capital, LLC makes energy efficiency more accessible than ever with its Decarbonization Energy Infrastructure Fund!

Water and waste water treatment uses about 4% of all the electricity in the USA. This is a significant embedded carbon footprint and opportunity. A rise in water and waste water system expenses could indicate an issue with water pumping or sewage systems - find out if inefficient or faulty systems are inflating your energy and operating costs with Onsite Utility Services Capital, LLC!

The energy efficiency service provider will audit the water pumping and waste water sewage system in your municipality to identify problem areas that may be contributing to unnecessary utility expenditure. The Onsite team will then come up with solutions that can help you upgrade to more environmentally-conscious, energy-efficient infrastructure without paying for installation and maintenance costs.

Find out how to make savings by visiting https://onsiteutilityservices.com

With its auditing services, the company will ensure that your water and waste water systems functioning properly and where greater efficiency could be achieved.

Onsite Utility Services Capital's Decarbonization Energy Infrastructure Fund invests in projects that reduce the carbon footprint while removing the Capital and debt barrier keeping municipalities from moving projects forward.

Onsite Utility Services Capital uses real-time consumption monitoring systems to give you, as a building manager, greater oversight of your water usage by immediately notifying you of potential leaks and breakdowns. The system tracks consumption patterns and relays abnormalities or usage spikes to connected devices.

These services are available through the company’s Energy Savings as a Service (ESaaS) program, which helps you access cleaner energy and water systems. With no investment cost or debt the service covers the installation and ongoing maintenance of equipment and related servicing so that a high level of efficiency can be maintained.

By taking advantage of this program, municipalities can upgrade complete water distribution systems with zero up-front investment. As such, you can get water and sewage costs under control and lower your carbon footprint without taking on debt.

Onsite Utility Services Capital, LLC has almost 30 years of experience in devising and deploying water efficiency strategies for municipal, commercial, and residential buildings - schedule an audit today!

Get energy and water efficiency solutions by visiting https://onsiteutilityservices.com

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