This Creative Marketing Agency Helps Brands Inspire Empathy In Customers

Mar 8, 2023

The key to any successful business is a brand-customer relationship built on trust and loyalty. To that end, creative marketing agency LO:LA has a number of ways brands can inspire empathy in their customers.

This Creative Marketing Agency Helps Brands Inspire Empathy In Customers

The value of a satisfied customer is immeasurable. While your brand can of course measure the money that customer spends, their number of visits, and the products they buy, you can't measure the impact that customer has outside of your store. To ensure your brand gets the most out of its customers, LO:LA has a few tools you can employ to inspire empathy and build strong connections.

The strategies suggested are useful when it comes to creating stronger relationships with your customers and developing trust and loyalty. One strategy they emphasize is storytelling because it allows your brand to reach your customers on a deeper emotional level.

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A well-told story can help your customers understand your brand’s values, goals, and missions. The example that LO:LA uses is the story of Airbnb. When co-founders Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia were struggling to pay their rent, they decided to lease out space in their living room to patrons of a nearby conference. According to LO:LA, the story is important because it illustrates Airbnb’s resourcefulness, creativity, and hospitality—all values customers look for and relate to.

Like Airbnb, LO:LA recommends that your brand share stories that not only inform your customers about your products and services but also allow them to relate to a message or experience. Additionally, the stories need to be able to communicate complex ideas or emotions in ways that your customers can easily understand.

By doing so, LO:LA believes that your brand can inspire empathy in its customers, which in turn, breeds loyalty, trust, and pride. This is important because customers who develop these connections are generally more likely to spend more money, make multiple purchases, recommend products and services to others, embrace new products or services, forgive mistakes, and share positive experiences.

“As a brand, building a connection with your customers is crucial to building trust and loyalty,” said a spokesperson for the company. “Storytelling is one of the most effective ways to do so. It enables you to communicate complex ideas or emotions in a way that resonates with your customers and encourages them to relate to your brand’s message and experience.”

In addition to storytelling, LO:LA also provides a few other ways your brand can inspire empathy in its customers, including understanding your target audience, showing compassion, providing excellent customer service, and incorporating user feedback. These actions show that you are invested in your customers.

To help your brand with its storytelling and connection building, LO:LA provides many services, including brand and identity development, website and digital platform enhancement, content marketing, and campaign marketing. Their marketing experts utilize a 4-step approach to helping brands like yours. They will define the problems your brand is facing, articulate the strategies for correcting the problem, execute the strategies, and learn from the outcomes.

LO:LA's creative marketing strategies have been used to help brands from a variety of industries, such as food and beverage, apparel, retail, e-commerce, automotive, and healthcare. Notable brands they've helped recently include Urban Plates, GoodCook, The Creative Coalition, and Cycle Gear. To hire LO:LA to help your brand, you can book a free consultation by visiting its website.

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