Stephen King’s New Novel ‘Fairy Tale’ has been Released

Sep 7, 2022

Stephen King is launching his brand-new book, “Fairy Tale”, available through Amazon targeted at fans of the Thriller, Suspense, Dark fantasy world. More information is available at the website:

Stephen King's New Novel ‘Fairy Tale’ has been Released

‘The World's Master Storyteller’ Stephen King is launching his brand-new book, "Fairy Tale". The book is set to go live on September 6th, available on Amazon and is expected to become a big hit with fans of the Thriller, Suspense, Dark fantasy world.

More information on the book can be found here:

Stephen King has authored over 70 books, and at the beginning of the Pandemic, he asked himself: “What could you write that would make you happy?”

“As if my imagination had been waiting for the question to be asked, I saw a vast deserted city—deserted but alive. I saw the empty streets, the haunted buildings, a gargoyle head lying overturned in the street. I saw smashed statues (of what I didn’t know, but I eventually found out). I saw a huge, sprawling palace with glass towers so high their tips pierced the clouds. Those images released the story I wanted to tell.”

In his long career, Stephen King has provided audiences with countless thrilling stories. However, the charming author isn't retiring, as he enjoys crafting stories as much as readers have enjoyed devouring them since they were young. The new novel will honor its title to deliver audiences a marvellous story full of the battles between good and evil...

Stephen King fans especially enjoy the characters he creates. King has a well-known talent for being able to write characters that are so vivid one could slip behind their eyes, become one with the story and find oneself fully immersed in the landscape he creates.

The book's cover art was created by Simon & Schuster, the publisher of Fairy Tale.

The recent author photo was taken by © Shane Leonard:

Those interested in learning more about the book can visit here:

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