Stem Cell And Exosome Treatment In Denver To Relieve Injury and Age-Related Pain

Jan 23, 2021

Enjoy freedom from pain, discomfort, and prescription painkillers. Get advanced stem cell therapy from Denver’s top stem cell treatment clinic. Call 970-201-1332 or visit to schedule your consultation today.

For many, relief from chronic or acute pain usually means surgery or prescription painkillers. If you're looking for safe, nonsurgical pain relief, stem cell therapy could be the treatment you need. Call the Aspen Institute for Anti-Aging & Regeneration Medicine to learn how stem cell treatment can accelerate your healing.

The Lakewood, CO stem cell therapy center aims to provide the latest and most effective stem cell therapy Denver has to offer, delivered by experts in regenerative medicine. These stem cell treatments relieve knee, hip, shoulder, and general joint pain, helping you overcome discomfort while performing everyday activities.

The NIH and several international peer-reviewed journals document the therapeutic potential of stem cells and exosomes in the regeneration of tissue damaged or degenerated by aging and disease. Stem cells have been proven to reduce inflammation and fight cell death.

The Aspen Institute for Anti-Aging & Regeneration Medicine offers stem cell and exosome therapy to treat several age-related and lifestyle conditions. Orthopedic exosomes therapy stimulates tissue growth, regenerates damaged tissues, and plays a major role in shortening healing times. Stem cell therapy allows you to enjoy freedom from pain and a better quality of life.

Stem cells are especially effective in treating orthopedic conditions because they address widespread inflammation and modulate the abnormal immune response.

The Denver joint pain stem cell therapy practice offers these treatments to help you avoid surgery and frees you from dependence on pain medication. All treatments are administered at the practice's Aspen or Denver offices by top regenerative medicine specialists. The team will review your medical history and general health to determine if stem cell treatments will work for you. Therapy sessions usually last for two to three months.

Visit for more information about non-surgical stem cell therapy for orthopedic conditions.

The Aspen Institute for Anti-Aging & Regeneration Medicine is a preventative health care center with offices in Aspen and Denver. The center is headed by Dr. Julian Robert Gershon Jr., a thrice-Board-certified doctor in family medicine, sports medicine, and regenerative medicine. He has been named among America's Best Physicians of 2020.

Call 970-201-1332 or visit to schedule your Denver stem cell therapy consultation today.

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