If you want to get the big picture of the Bible but don’t have time to wade through its hundreds of pages, Christian author Betty Johansen has your solution – “The Bible in Brief,” an accessible, illustrated summary that you can read in two hours.
Reading the Bible from cover to cover might be on your list of long-term projects, and that’s understandable, given its length and sometimes challenging language. If you want to get a clear, easy-to-understand overview of Scripture before you tackle the full text, Betty Johansen’s ebook summary, The Bible in Brief: A Historical Summary of God’s Story From the Beginning to the End of Time, is the perfect read for you. It’s short enough to fit into your daily routine, or you can read it in a single sitting over the weekend.
Find out more at https://bettyjohansen.com/2024/08/27/discover-the-essence-of-the-bible-in-just-one-sitting-with-the-bible-in-brief/
Johansen’s ebook will provide you with a complete picture of Earth’s history as presented in Scripture. It's also a great read if you're a new Christian or if you're curious about the Bible. The ebook is written in easily digestible, illustrated segments, and you can use it as a supplement to Bible studies or sermons.
If you want to explore the Bible to find answers to life’s big questions - like the origins of the world, the nature of good and evil, and the purpose of human existence - then this ebook is for you, too. Johansen believes using the Bible as a resource to gain a deeper understanding of these topics could profoundly change readers’ lives.
“The Bible is a foundational text that has shaped cultures, ethics, and worldviews for millennia,” Johansen explained. “However, its complexity often deters people from reading it. The Bible in Brief aims to bridge that gap, offering a concise yet comprehensive overview that answers some of life’s most profound questions.”
The ebook will provide you with an accessible summary of the Bible's core narrative and key teachings - the perfect text if you're seeking a quick read without the intimidation of Scripture's length and sometimes overwhelming detail. If you want to explore further, you can click the hyperlinks in the ebook to access supplementary material.
As an author of Christian mystery novels, Johansen understands and appreciates the literary richness of Scripture - its use of metaphors, analogies, symbols, parables, and other devices. She believes these techniques enrich the text without confusing its meaning. If you feel the same, you won't be disappointed with The Bible in Brief, as it's written by a bestselling novelist.
Johansen's ebook presents a more conservative interpretation of the Bible that embraces its literal narrative. She believes, for example, that God created the world in six days, Noah's flood lasted 40 days, and Jonah spent three days inside a whale. Nevertheless, her aim in The Bible in Brief is to present all faithful and open-minded readers with the most enlightening facts in Scripture that she believes will be the most helpful to them as they try to understand God, the world, and themselves.
“Avoiding the Bible means missing out on the explanations and purposes it offers for life itself,” Johansen said. “The Bible in Brief provides a gateway to understanding these profound insights, helping you make wise decisions and offering the promise of a life filled with meaning and purpose.”
In addition to The Bible in Brief, Betty Johansen is the author of the Christian mystery novels Lili’s Song, Hawaiian Wildflower, and Darkness Under His Feet. You can purchase the first two books on Amazon and download the third from Johansen’s website, Eagerly Waiting.
Whether you're a new Christian who wants to better understand sermons and Sunday School lessons with a general grasp of Scripture, a veteran Christian who wants a bird's-eye view of Biblical history, or a non-Christian who wants a peek into the world of the Bible, Betty Johansen's The Bible in Brief has something to offer.
Learn more about The Bible in Brief - or purchase a copy today - at https://sqrindle.com/book/details/MTcyNDM%3D/OTI3NA%3D%3D