Prevent Data Breach Losses With Toronto Staff Awareness Security Courses

Aug 8, 2022

Did you know that most cyber breaches are caused by human error? With some simple employee awareness training from Toronto-based VBS IT Services (416-900-6852), you can take active measures to prevent this from happening.

Prevent Data Breach Losses With Toronto Staff Awareness Security Courses

It’s easy to feel helpless against the growing threat of cyber attack, but there are proactive and preventative measures that you can take. Staff awareness training is one of the best places to start.

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VBS IT Services has designed its training solutions in response to the current threat environment. The company has recognized that, in many cases, breaches can be prevented when your employees are taking several simple precautions.

A recent study, conducted by IBM, highlighted the impact that data breaches had on businesses in the past 12 months. The average cost of such incidences rose to USD $4.24 million in 2021, which was the highest figure the company had seen in 17 years. The report identified compromised credentials as being a significant contributor, and also stated that 95% of all breaches were caused by human error.

The employee awareness training solutions from VBS IT Services were developed to help you address these issues. The company now offers a two-tiered approach, the first of which being an annual 45-minute course to demonstrate the techniques for preventing cyber attacks. If you want a greater level of protection, a continuous education program provides your team with weekly and monthly updates.

While you can use the courses as a standalone service, they have been designed to complement the company's other cyber security solutions. These include baseline phishing assessments to test your employees’ ability to recognize cyber-attacks.

About VBS IT Services

The Toronto-based firm offers full-service managed IT solutions, including business technology, cyber security and data protection, remote working systems, and responsive support. VBS IT Services maintains an ongoing awareness of emerging cyber security issues, allowing it to pass on the latest systems and processes to client organizations just like yours.

One Toronto business client recently stated: “I highly recommend VBS IT Services to anyone looking for an approachable, easy to communicate with cybersecurity company. The team members were approachable and have been a pleasure to work with. They are able to answer all questions our clients have had, and they have been a true partner for our organization.”

Fighting back against cyber attacks begins with you and your own staff. Take the first steps with professional cyber security awareness training from VBS IT Services.

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