Until recently, the idea of earning passive income (like dividends) off of cryptocurrency was pipe dream. Now it’s a reality and people investing in crypto today are generating consistent passive income even during 2022’s 10-month crash.
It is widely thought that today the cryptocurrency market is sitting at the end of an extended crash. For most readers who invest in crypto, the end of the crash is eagerly anticipated, while for others, it will simply mean that it’s time to switch from one strategy to another.
Ever heard of Dan Hollings (creator of The Plan)? He is the man who created some of the most successful crypto investing strategies being used today, even during the 2022 crash.
Interested parties can read the full article here.
The unfortunate reality is that the majority of crypto investors in the market today did little more than swap-out fiat dollars for crypto coins and sadly, they are the ones hurt most during sharp swings down and outright crashes.
It is understandable why would-be-investors are afraid of missing out on the bitcoin boom and as a result, tend to jump head-first into the first manageable opportunity they can find. In many cases, this ill-advised action results in losses from unexpected market movements, inexperience, unscrupulous con artists, or a combination of all three.
Enter Dan Hollings, creator of The Plan, disruptor of conventional thinking, genius-level strategist, and a beacon of hope to the masses. Over the past several years, Dan has become the world’s #1 teacher to those wanting to learn crypto trading and he wrote a report called The Wiggle Factor that explains his crypto success formula.
Readers can access this highly anticipated report (free for a limited time) and learn about the successful strategies Dan uses to invest in crypto even during a market crash.
Because of Dan's extensive work and experience in the crypto market, people can now quickly and easily get the tools and skills needed to take control of their financial destiny, rather than sit back and hope their investments will pay off.
“Hope is not a strategy and if investors don’t have multiple plans of action for all scenarios, they are hanging their financial future on little more than a wish!” says Heather Farrell, a crypto enthusiast and guest columnist for Coinposters.
Frankly speaking there has never been a more important time for the general public to take an active role in their investing. Gone are the days of trusting, and blindly handing over hard-earned, heavily relied-on investment dollars in the hopes that the institution or person will invest it wisely without charging excessive fees.
The last decade alone is riddled with scandals and crises that quickly separated naive, optimistic investors from their capital. With virtually no control whatsoever over what happens when things spin out of control in global finance, it is more important than ever to take an active role today - meaning right now. If that sounds a bit alarming rest assured that is on purpose.
For those wanting to learn crypto trading and other ways to invest in crypto, more information can be found at www.coinposters.com .