Are you one of the many people who experience dry eye symptoms? Omega-3 may have been recommended to you but where do you start? Dr Jason Morris and mEYEspa explain why and how to start in its guide on omega-3 and dry eye disease!
Scratchy, burning, tired, blurry eyes related to dry eye can be a chronic irritant and downright distressing and painful at worst. Eye drops can relieve your symptoms temporarily and are important tool, but is there a way to get rid of them completely? Based on years of clinical success, mEYEspa says that long-term relief may lie in how much omega-3 fatty acids you consume. Continue on to learn about how omega-3 levels can help you with dry eye symptoms, how you can measure them and what you can do to increase your own levels!
You can also read mEYEspa’s full guide at
Dry eye disease is a common ocular condition that affects millions of individuals globally. The condition may manifest as a variety of symptoms, including a burning sensation in the eyes, sensitivity to light, redness, blurred vision, or eye fatigue. Does that sound familiar?
While the most common, acute remedy is artificial tears (which may also sound familiar to you), Optometrist Dr. Jason Morris' mEYEspa guide says that omega-3 fatty acids can play a role in limiting the disease from occurring or progressing.
According to the guide, EPA and DHA are omega-3 fatty acids essential for many bodily functions. They have been extensively studied for their role in reducing the risk of heart disease, supporting mental health, decreasing joint inflammation, and boosting immune function.
But here’s the part you’re probably the most interested in: The nutrient enhances tear production through its powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Patients with chronic dry eyes are often recommended by eye care professionals to increase their daily intake of omega-3 to manage their symptoms. But how does one do this?
Omega-3 cannot be synthesized naturally by the body, but mEYEspa’s guide says that it can be obtained from food sources such as salmon and other oily fish. In fact, one meal of oily fish per day is enough to satisfy the body’s requirements. However, realistically the guide also suggests is not reasonable for most people and North American diets.
That being said, supplementation of Omega 3 is likely the only way that most of us with get to the recommended daily intake levels. Before starting a plan to raise your Omega 3 levels, it’s a good idea to first understand and measure your current omega-3 levels to establish a personal baseline. A great direct-to-consumer lab test that mEYEspa recommends is the Omega-3 Index Blood Test by OmegaQuant, which provides consumers with a trailing three-month history of EPA and DHA levels in red blood cells. Results are a concise and simple to understand.
Other tests exist, of course, but if you live in the U.S. and Canada, the OmegaQuant Omega-3 Index Blood Test is one of your most affordable options. mEYEspa even has a nice discount code on its website to help you save even more money!
Because omega-3 is metabolized differently by every individual, mEYEspa advises you to retest your omega-3 levels regularly to determine whether you need to adjust your intake up or down.
Another important thing to note is that you’re not going to see the results immediately after you increase your intake. That said, mEYEspa says that many people can expect reduced dry eye symptoms after three months and hopefully you can use less drops!
Want more tips on managing dry eye disease with omega-3? Or maybe tips on eye health in general? mEYEspa has resources and eye care products in droves, so if you want to improve your eye health, make sure you check out the company’s website!
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