How Invisalign Dentist London Ontario Fixes Severe Issues, Sbenati Dentistry

Jul 19, 2021

Learn about how Sbenati Dentistry (dentist London Ontario) fixes performs more complex teeth straightening issues with clear aligners from Invisalign. Providing Invisalign near me, Invisalign teeth straightening with clear aligners.

Sbenati Dentistry today announced that customers looking to buy their next orthodontic treatment with Invisalign are now able to purchase their own Invisalign with attachments from Sbenati Dentistry.

Those within the company feel that "at Sbenati Dentistry we love giving confidence and education to our many patients. Confidence is usually lower with patients who have more orthodontic issues than others, so being able to correct these issues in a discrete manner using clear aligners with Invisalign is simply amazing."

Dr. Halim Sbenati, Owner, Doctor of Dental Surgery at Sbenati Dentistry, when asked about Invisalign attachments said:

"Attachments are great for those still looking to use Invisalign for it's many benefits when compared to braces, but still have complex orthodontic issues. Being able to discretely correct more severe issues through attachments is something to get excited about"

Consumers active in the Dentistry market will be interested to know Invisalign attachments was been developed with those requiring more complex teeth movements may use attachments on their Invisalign aligners in mind.

Learn exactly what Invisalign attachments are: Invisalign attachments are small bumps placed on the teeth to better anchor the aligner. They are made of composite resin, similar to that of a filling. The attachments have two benefits. The first of which is to better apply pressure to the teeth and therefore fixing more severe issues. The second is that they are secured stronger to the teeth, making them fit even better than an ordinary aligner with no room for attachments.

What Invisalign attachments do: Invisalign attachments allow for stronger pressure to be applied at better angles. This is of great help when correcting complex teeth issues. Attachments provide a little help to the aligner when repositioning teeth. Consumers should be pleased with this since this fights a common misconception about Invisalign. Many people think that Invisalign is for more mild issues, this is not always the case. With the help of attachments, Invisalign can perform more complex teeth straightening treatments.

How they are attached: First, your teeth are treated with gel which helps the attachments stick, like an adhesive. Next the gel is removed, teeth are rinsed and the bonding agent is applied using a tiny brush. This bonding agent helps further secure the attachments. Then the dentist uses a template aligner which has small spaces where the attachments will go, similarly to how the actual aligners will function. The composite resin is then filled into these small spaces and placed upon the teeth. Light pressure is applied by the dentist at this step to ensure the attachments stick to the teeth on the bonding agent. Next, a tungsten halogen curing light is used to harden the resin, fully securing them to your teeth. After a short period of time the template aligner is removed along with any extra bonding or resin. Patients should enjoy this particularly, as it follows part Sbenati Dentistry's mission, which is to provide memorable education. It is very important for patients and prospects to understand their options, especially if they have more complicated teeth straightening needs.

Those interested in learning more about the business can do so on the business website at

Those interested in Invisalign can learn more on the service page, here:

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