Harness Your Inner Goals & Achieve Success With Kristel Bauer Success Coaching

Dec 16, 2020

If you want to be your best self and achieve your personal goals, working with a specialist like Kristel Bauer can help. Check out her new site today and see what an impact she can make on your life!

Do you want to achieve your personal and professional goals? How about achieving a life of financial freedom without the stress or anxiety of the rat race?

Regardless of your ideal future, Kristel Bauer can help you to create the life you want. She works with clients to improve wellbeing and performance and helps you to tap into your true self.

A new site has been launched by Kristel Bauer, called Live Greatly. It aims to help more people to awaken their ultimate potential, achieve financial freedom, and live the life they have always wanted.

More information can be found at: https://www.livegreatly.co

Kristel Bauer is an inspiring female entrepreneur in the wellness space. She has extensive experience in healthcare and supporting wellbeing, as both an integrative medicine fellow and physician assistant. She also has experience in integrative psychiatry and functional medicine.

She created Live Greatly in order to inspire others to be their best self. As a keynote speaker, podcast host, and entrepreneur, she brings a wealth of experience to the personal development field.

Kristel is a believer that mindset is everything, and strives to push past the boundaries of fear. Her aim is to encourage others to live fully from a place of love and joy.

She believes that her unique background, experiences, expertise and messaging will be of value to university clients and students, as well as organizations and corporations. By working with these clients, she can help them to optimize employee wellbeing and performance.

Kristel explains that earlier in her life, she struggled with low self esteem and low confidence. Alongside this, she has had to overcome hardship in numerous aspects of her life.

Her mom was diagnosed with cancer, she was bullied as a child, and has endured abusive relationships. All of these trials have helped her to become the person she is today. Now a large part of her mission is to inspire and empower people to value and love themselves.

On her Live Greatly podcast, recent guests have included Jason Feifer EIC of Entrepreneur, Colleen Wachob, the co-CEO of mindbodygreen, and Kelly Noonan Gores, the producer, writer and director of the HEAL documentary.

Kelly Noonan Gores said: “Kristel is incredibly passionate and knowledgeable! Her energy is infectious and her message is empowering, inspiring and potentially life changing.”

Full details of her business can be found on the URL above. Check out https://www.livegreatly.online for any extra info you need!

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