GPT-4 Prompt Success Guide: Machine Learning & Training Data For AI Models

Nov 17, 2023

“The Ultimate GPT-4 Prompt Success Guide for Machine Learning Enthusiasts” from AI Promptivity is designed to make teenage machine learning enthusiasts’ interactions with AI programs more successful.

The Students Of AI High

Global headlines cite fears from both parents and teachers about cheating with AI being virtually impossible to track in the classroom. Whilst we know this is a falsehood – the markers of AI-generated text are clear to any professional used to reading high school essays – there’s no denying that AI has completely changed how young people learn.

Teenage machine learning enthusiasts are embracing AI interactions with the likes of Open AI’s Chat GPT generative text program because it is easy to use and offers a conversational back and forth which feels safe and familiar.

The Virtual Teacher

Whilst the grown-ups are so busy checking for learning loopholes, reporters found that often students are actually using the program as a virtual stand-in for their teacher when completing tasks at home.

If kids don’t understand a homework question, they can get GPT-4 to explain it to them in simple terms, have it provide some working examples, and even assess their answers prior to them handing it in – all without any embarrassment or fear of looking stupid in front of teachers or classmates. You can see the appeal.

The technology exists and teenagers are going to use it. But GPT-4 is not perfect… or even 100% accurate in its responses. How do we ensure that our teens are approaching AI with their eyes open? 

The AI Guide

AI Promptivity’s "The Ultimate GPT-4 Prompt Success Guide for Machine Learning Enthusiasts” is a great place to start. Get it for FREE at   

This guide helps teens get better, more accurate results from the questions they are asking GPT-4. Crucially, it also makes them aware of some of the problems interacting with AI presents: bias; inaccurate results; made-up facts, statistics, and sources; and the importance of understanding the answer they receive. Ask any teacher and they’ll tell you of an instance where a student was just parroting an AI script with no idea what they were even talking about! Zero chance of passing the exam, if that’s the case.

The majority of advice in the guide, however, focuses on how to hone the instructions teenagers give the GPT-4 program to help avoid these pitfalls. AI Promptivity explains how the AI algorithms “think” and how best to approach writing a prompt to get the desired result. 

Techniques such as fine-tuning, monitoring, evaluating, and how to assess data sets are all covered in language that is pitched at teenage machine learning enthusiasts, without any unnecessary jargon.

The Final Prompt 

In this case, we mean it literally. Consider these last few words us prompting you on behalf of the teen machine learning enthusiast in your life to check out the latest advice on how to use prompts in GPT-4 and other AI generative programs at   

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