Get The Best Waikato Physio Alternative Carpal Tunnel Pain Treatment Solutions

Aug 29, 2018

Waikato ConTact C.A.R.E specialist Aaron Ellis (+64-27-287-5727) launched an updated range of pain relief and musculoskeletal treatment programs for clients suffering from neck, back and shoulder pain, arthritis, sports and work injuries and other issues.

Aaron Ellis, a Waikato - based ConTact C.A.R.E Flinchlock Release specialist, announced an updated range of services for individuals suffering from joint and muscular pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, musculoskeletal injuries, headaches, neck and back pain and other conditions. Mr. Ellis uses personalized strategies to locate and release trapped pressure, thus providing pain relief and promoting optimal function and mobility.

More information can be found at

ConTact C.A.R.E Flinchlock Release is a pain relief and musculoskeletal treatment technique based on Martial Arts principles. At the core of the discipline is the idea that injuries and musculoskeletal stress result in a “skeletal sensory shock” which creates a super-sensitive contractive area which leads to pain and lack of mobility. ConTact C.A.R.E practitioners strive to find the root cause of physical pain and discomfort and use a variety of safe, gentle procedures to alleviate any musculoskeletal imbalances.

Aaron Ellis is a professional ConTact C.A.R.E expert which can help individuals in the Waikato area manage any type of muscle, ligament and bone pain and improve overall musculoskeletal function and mobility.

The specialist can help clients suffering from a wide range of conditions, including neck, back and shoulder pain, carpal tunnel, sinus issues, arthritis pain, sports and work injuries and many others.

The procedures are preceded by an extensive initial investigation to find the root cause of the problem, Mr. Ellis identifying the sensitive area and applying gentle treatments to alleviate the pain.

Clients benefit from personalized treatment plans, an extensive explanation of their specific condition and, if necessary, individualized home exercise programs.

A satisfied client said: “I'd had Carpal Tunnel surgery years ago and I required a second surgery years later. After my visit to Aaron he released pressure in my chest from an accident twenty years prior, and I woke up the next day with full movement in my hands. It surprised me how connected everything actually is. I would definitely recommend Aaron’s services!”

Interested parties can find more information by visiting the above-mentioned website.

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