Get The Best Humidity-Controlled Organic Cotton Bag For Crisp Veggie Storage

Sep 17, 2021

Keep the crunch in your carrots and the zap in your zucchini with this ingenious veggie storage bag from Scoop Marketplace. Browse their range of sustainable produce and accessories today and order your Vejibag now!

Tired of opening your refrigerator to find your veggies have spoiled? You need Vejibag from Scoop Marketplace in your life!

The Seattle, WA-based eco-friendly grocery brand has announced a new addition to its range of reusable food accessories.

The Vejibag is an organic cotton-based pouch specially designed to keep your vegetables crisp and fresh through the slow evaporation of water from the fabric.

A little moisture can work magic on your perishables. Keep your food fresh for longer with the Vejibag. More details here:

The company's latest release is part of its range of organic, zero-waste groceries, personal care products, spices, and wooden culinary utensils.

While excess water can cause fruits and vegetables to spoil by encouraging the growth of bacteria, produce also needs moisture and humidity to remain fresh. By sealing consumables such as lettuce, carrots, cucumbers, or peppers in a damp, breathable bag, enough air circulates to keep the food hydrated. This retains freshness more effectively than plastic wrapping or being placed directly in refrigerator compartments.

You simply wet the bag by running it under a tap, then wring out the excess water so that the pouch feels damp to the touch.

It is recommended that you wash fruits or vegetables before placing them in the Vejibag. Scoop Marketplace also suggests that you remove any damaged areas before storing. Lettuces and other greens do not need to be spun as they normally would.

The Vejibag can be stored in the main compartment of your refrigerator or crisper drawer with its lid slightly opened. After a few days, the bag will dry out but can be easily rehydrated by running it under a tap with the vegetables still inside.

Cleaning and maintenance are straightforward. The Vejibag is machine washable and dryer-friendly. You should turn the pouch inside out for best results and expect some shrinkage after the first watch owing to the bag's cotton construction.

For more resistant stains, you can spot clean the bag using oxygen bleach. Alternatively, the bag can be soaked in a solution of hydrogen peroxide and washing soda mixed with hot water for 24 hours to release any persistent marks.

About Scoop Marketplace

The company was formed to provide consumers with a viable, environmentally-friendly alternative to large chain grocery retail. Scoop Marketplace minimizes waste and excess packaging by purchasing in bulk and is committed to making sustainable products more accessible for its customers.

A spokesperson says, “You can be sure that the products you buy are the very best for the planet and for you.”

With its latest launch, Scoop Marketplace is making fresh vegetable storage simple and sustainable for consumers everywhere.

Cut down on your food waste – keep your veggies crunchy with this clever accessory. For more info, go to

If you want to do your bit to help the environment while improving the longevity of your crisp vegetables, check out Scoop Marketplace today!

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