Get up to $26,000 per employee in tax credits for your San Francisco restaurant, which you never have to pay back. These experts can help you maximize your ERTC rebate, absolutely risk-free, with no up-front costs.
In just the last year, hundreds of San Francisco restaurants have had to close their doors for good, and many of the ones that have remained open are still struggling to make ends meet.
San Francisco is known for having one of the world’s largest selections of restaurants, and though many of them were hit hard by the recent pandemic, there is still one federal relief program that can help.
A new Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC) service created by Cottage Digital Media and a team of ERTC specialists is helping these restaurants to recover by guaranteeing them their maximum allowable tax rebates for 2020 and 2021.
Visit to find out how you can get your maximum allowable tax rebate, guaranteed, with zero risk.
While there have been several pandemic relief programs provided by the federal government, the ERTC is one of the few options to provide funding that is not a deferral and never requires repayment. The new fast rebate service can help you to access rebates of up to $26,000 per employee, with no restrictions on how the funds can be spent.
Simply put - it's your money; all you have to do is claim it. You never have to pay it back, it won't count against your taxes, and you can spend it any way you please.
Experts suggest that San Francisco’s hospitality industry will recover, though it could take several years, and this tax credit can help to get struggling businesses back on their feet. ERTC rebates are available to almost any small or medium-sized business with between 5 and 500 W-2 employees, including startups, new businesses, and non-profit organizations.
To apply for a rebate, you only have to answer a few simple questions and provide some documents to the ERTC CPA team. The CPA team will help you determine which fiscal quarters you are eligible for and how much you can claim before completing and submitting the paperwork.
The fast rebate service, also known as the 15 Minute Refund program, is only available from a single firm of ERTC specialist CPAs and guarantees every employer their maximum allowable rebate with a time commitment of 15 minutes or less, with no risk or up-front fees. No business will be charged until after they have received their rebate from the IRS, and any business that does not qualify or does not receive a rebate will not be charged at all.
You can use a free, no-obligation eligibility assessment to find out if you qualify, by answering a few simple questions. The eligibility assessment and fast rebate service are available to any small or medium-sized business in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Virginia, California, and Illinois.
If you run any kind of small business in the USA with up to 500 W-2 employees, you should be applying for these rebates right now.
There are no strings attached, and some companies have been receiving rebates of up to several million dollars, but they're only available for a limited time.
Visit to learn more, take the free eligibility test, or claim your rebate.