Get Help With Your Structured Family Caregiver Application In Reidsville, GA

Jun 29, 2021

If you’re looking for financial aid while caring for your elderly relatives in Reidsville GA, this is the program for you. Call +1-912-565-8820 to find out more and get started!

If you’re living with a relative who needs five hours of care per day or more, you could be eligible for financial assistance. Get in touch with this specialist to learn more!

Community Home Nursing Services Inc have launched updated services for local families in Reidsville, GA. They help you to apply for the Structured Family Caregiver program, which is available through the Georgia Medicaid Elderly and Disabled Waiver system.

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Structured Family Caregiving provides financial support if you’re working as the active caregiver in your home. Many family members act as the primary caregiver for senior relatives, but with the latest update from Community Home Nursing Services, you can now get paid for your work.

Shouldering responsibility as the primary caregiver in a family can be stressful, time consuming and difficult. Now, if you meet specific requirements, state-sponsored aid is available.

SFC requirements dictate that you must live with the person in question as their main caregiver. You also need to be biologically related, or connected through marriage.

In addition to this, the relative receiving the care must be Medicaid-eligible and need assistance with their daily living. This could include getting dressed, eating food, or requiring help bathing.

Community Home Nursing Services helps you to become approved for the Structured Family Care program, and can provide help and guidance at each stage of the process. Once the approval has been confirmed, you can receive weekly payment directly into your account.

Community Home Nursing Services are specialist care providers who are committed to helping elderly, senior and disabled residents to get the care and attention they need. Whether assisted living clients have suffered an injury, are dealing with dementia, or need help while rehabbing, they can rely on the team to help.

They support the state of Georgia in its focus on improving access to family focused care and home living assistance. If you’re currently working in private duty sitting or as the primary caregiver for loved ones, you’re able to get in touch.

A spokesperson states: “Eligibility for this service option is contingent on there being a live-in, unpaid family caregiver in the home and an assessed need for a minimum of five hours of personal support service daily. The Structured Family Caregiving service provides ongoing telephonic or electronic support to the family caregiver by a Health Coach.”

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