Find Compassionate Adolescent Outpatient Care At New Jersey’s Premier Clinic

Feb 14, 2024

If you’re the parent of a child who’s struggling with their mental health and is turning to drugs or alcohol to cope, connect with Relevance Recovery in New Jersey (866-245-1497) for the compassionate, proven effective outpatient care they need.

The world can be a pretty tough place for some adolescents. For those who are particularly sensitive and those struggling with a mental health issue like anxiety, depression, or a personality disorder, everyday life can feel completely unmanageable. Many will turn to drugs or alcohol to cope, which, predictably, only makes things worse.

But there is hope. Find the care you need for your child at Relevance Recovery, New Jersey's premier outpatient treatment center for adults and adolescents. Set up a consultation today at

Relevance Recovery is a highly regarded dual diagnosis treatment center offering the multidisciplinary, supportive care adolescents need to address their mental health without interrupting their school, recreational, and/or work schedules.


Conditions like depression, anxiety, or a personality disorder can significantly impact your child's quality of life, affecting everything from their personal relationships to their schoolwork and their ability to maintain a job.

But your child is not alone. Many adolescents are struggling with their mental health, and many will turn to alcohol or drugs as a way of ‘taking the edge off.’ As we know, however, self-medicating can quickly lead to a cycle of dependency which, unlike a cold or bump on the arm, will not improve with time. Issues like these get worse.

The clinicians at Relevance Recovery understand what you and your family are going through, and they're here to help.

The outpatient care available at the treatment center offers a practical approach to wellness that relies on evidence-based therapies paired with alternatives like massage therapy, music therapy, yoga, and social activities.

After all, the goal is not to punish your child with a restrictive "do this, don't do that" approach, but rather, to interrupt their cycle of addiction by getting to the root of their mental health disorder, and to replace compulsive drug or alcohol use with more healthy alternatives.

Things like music, outdoor activities, horseback riding, and even socializing with other adolescents who understand and can also provide support can all make a world of difference.


“Our goal is to create a supportive environment where adolescents can focus on their well-being and build the skills needed for long-term mental health and sobriety,” says a clinician at Relevance Recovery.

Outpatient mental health care at Relevance Recovery can be the first step for someone leaving inpatient treatment, or it can be a first step toward addressing an addiction issue compounded by a mental health disorder that is getting out of hand.

Treatment involves a minimum of 2 - 3 hours per week of individual sessions with a licensed outpatient counselor, therapist, or psychiatrist experienced in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, (CBT), Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy, (REBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy, (DBT), and inner child therapy.

Other licensed clinicians available through Relevance Recovery - distinguishing it from a generalized talk therapy center - include specialists in equine therapy, massage therapy, music therapy, brainspotting, and spirituality.


Relevance Recovery partners with most major insurance carriers: you can learn more about it by connecting with an admissions staff member.

Many of today's plans cover part or even all the treatment your child needs.

A recent client says, “The treatment experience at Relevance has been extremely helpful in addressing the root causes of my addiction, and in teaching me different tools that made the recovery process exciting and successful.”

If it's time to get help, the team at Relevance Recovery is standing by and ready to pitch in. Connect with an admissions specialist now to learn more about the center's specialized outpatient treatment at

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