Find Best Antiseptic Manuka & Flaxseed Topical Oil To Stop Itchy Toenail Fungus

Jul 11, 2023

You don’t need to use harsh chemicals to fight off a fungal infection. Give your body the best of what Mother Nature has to offer with Kerassentials – rich in manuka oil and other powerful ingredients. Check out NailFungusWorld’s review to find out more.

Can't shake that fungal infection on your toenails? If standard medications just aren't doing the job, why not try a more natural approach? Check out NailFungusWorld's in-depth review of Kerassentials - a powerful blend of natural oils to tackle the causes and symptoms of nail infections.

The blend has been created to help guard the body against fungal issues while bolstering your immune system. While many products on the market today contain harmful chemicals, this essential oil formula is free from toxic ingredients and nourishes and supports optimal levels of fatty acids and anti-fungal activity.

Say farewell to fungus with Kerassentials. Head over to the NailFungusWorld website now by clicking

Years of research that has gone into making Kerassentials, revealing that Manuka Oil provides a non-toxic treatment for a variety of health issues such as ringworm, acne, athlete's foot, and a number of fungal foot conditions. This oil is known for its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, helping you alleviate the symptoms of toenail fungus.

According to the International Journal of Molecular Sciences, manuka oil's antifungal properties can reduce the intensity and size of your toenail infection. Its antiseptic profile can also kill fungal spores when applied topically. This essential oil has been used for centuries by Maori people in New Zealand and contains antibiotic components like terpinene-4-ol and gamma-terpinene.

The manufacturer recommends you use Kerassentials oil four times a day. The product ships with a brush and a cotton swab for easy application, and you are also advised to use an emery board or nail file to smooth out any rough edges on your nail as this will improve its ability to absorb the nutrients.

The manuka oil component is complemented by lavender oil which supports keratin production in the nails, organic flaxseed oil for its anti-inflammatory properties, tea-tree oil to curb the growth of fungus, and aloe vera for its soothing, cooling, and moisturizing qualities.

These ingredients are augmented by tocopheryl acetate - a stable form of vitamin E that supports healthy skin and may also mitigate the signs of aging. The addition of undecylenic acid helps protect your nails and prevents fungus from taking root.

A spokesperson says, “For decades, people have used treatments that have stopped short of killing the fungus which meant that it learned how to survive. This led to anti-fungal resistance. That's why we created Kerassentials - a bespoke proprietary formula of four high-quality oils along with a powerful mix of nine oils and minerals.”

It ain't no fun having a fungal infection: take care of yours the natural way with Kerassentials!

For more info, and to order Kerassentials, visit the NailFungusWorld website at

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