Farming & Food For Better Health: Books & Short Films Exposing US Obesity Source

Feb 12, 2024

Insights on Innovation believes what happens on America’s farms affects us all, which is why they are now sharing T H. Harbinger’s books and short films on farming, food and health in the US.

If you’ve walked down any supermarket aisle in America lately, you could be forgiven for asking where the food is, because for every aisle lined with highly processed, high-sugar and low-nutrition snacks, there are very few raw, real and organic products. What Insights on Innovation is encouraging you to now ask is why?

If you want to find out about farming, food and nutrition in America, go to 

Agriculture & Health & Wellbeing In The US

Insights on Innovation is pleased to be partnering with T H. Harbinger to offer you new insights into the food culture of America, including current agricultural concerns, USDA policies and the overall state of health and wellbeing in the United States. 

Insights on Innovations’ new resource comes at a timely moment in which America’s nutrition crisis continues to deepen. As the latest findings from the CDC showcase, only one in ten adults meet the current recommendations for fruit and vegetable intake, the obesity prevalence in the community is now at 41.9%, and six in ten Americans live with a chronic disease like heart disease, cancer, or diabetes, many of which are also lifestyle diseases. 

This means there is a very real chance that you are a victim of America’s poor food culture.

The Farm Crisis & Our Unhealthy Diets

As T H. Harbinger’s new books and short films make plain, many of these public health epidemics start from corrupt legislature and the nation’s farming crisis, which has led to cheap but highly damaging ingredients like high fructose corn syrup being widely promoted and used in many of the basic foods you eat every day. 

A spokesperson for Mr. Harbinger and the team at Insights on Innovation said, “Much of what we eat is decided by USDA policy and its submission to big companies. T H. Harbinger’s new books and short films offer the history of bribery, corruption, profiteering, and price-fixing that has established our food industry. Only by knowing its history can citizens and politicians have a knowledgeable discussion of what is the best way forward to save our health, our land, and our world.” 

Supporting Food For Better Health

While much of what T H. Harbinger has written is sobering, highlighting the extensive problems with American food and farming culture, and pointing out the disturbing divide between the nation’s poor health and its massive collective wealth, Insights on Innovations’ new resource also offers you new ways to help support and promote food for better health. 

Their spokesperson added, “T H. Harbinger’s books also tell the true-to-life stories of the people who have tried to improve farming to create a healthier community and environment.” 

Some of the new titles you can access in Insights on Innovations’ digital collection include ‘The Farm Program: The Competitor Is Our Friend, The Customer Is Our Enemy,’ about the USDA Farm Program, and ‘America’s Dairyland: The Undermining of 14,000 Wisconsin Dairy Farms.’

Before your next trip to the supermarket visit to learn more about why your shelves are stocked with artificial man-made products instead of real food.

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