Don’t miss out on your chance to claim free money from the IRS. You could be eligible for up to $21,000 per employee, with no restrictions, no repayments, and no strings attached. Claim your ERTC rebate before it’s too late, it’s easy.
If you knew that by filling out a simple form, you could get anywhere from a few thousand, to a few million dollars - all without repayments, restrictions, or strings attached - would you do it?
Of course you would, anyone would, so the question is, if you haven't claimed your ERTC rebate yet, why not? It's just a simple form, and you could be eligible for a whole pile of cash, with no take-backs. Find out the easy way, at
The number one reason I hear for not making a claim, is "I'm not sure if I qualify."
Well, that's easy to find out, in literally just seconds. LP Consulting can tell you, and all you have to do is answer 10 super simple questions, like "How many W-2 employees did you have in 2021?"
The whole assessment takes less than a minute, and here's where it gets really neat - it's more than just an eligibility check, it's a refund calculator.
Those 10 simple questions will help LP consulting find out if you qualify, and for how much - so you'll know instantly if it's worth your time.
As of April 15, 2024, it is officially too late to apply for rebates for wages paid in 2020. However, you may still be eligible for up to $21,000 per employee in funding, with no repayments required.
The absolutely free, zero-obligation eligibility assessment is open to any employers who had staff on the payroll during the pandemic in 2021. The assessment only takes about one minute to complete, even if you type slowly, and it doesn't require any proprietary business information.
If you qualify, you'll receive a quick estimate of your available refund, and access to the LP Consulting 15 Minute Refund program, which pairs qualifying business owners with ERTC specialists, to help complete the application. The cool part though, is that the program guarantees every employer their maximum allowable rebate, and includes audit-proof documentation for IRS support.
You might not know this, but you may be able to qualify even if you have already claimed rebates for 2020, or were previously considered ineligible due to joining the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). While employers were originally only permitted to enroll in one pandemic relief program, the rules have since been amended to allow qualifying businesses to benefit from both programs.
However, unlike the PPP, rebates claimed through the ERTC are not a loan or a deferral.
They're more like free money - or if you prefer, a refund.
They are a repayment from the federal government, for wages that employers like you have already paid out in 2020 and 2021. These rebates do not require repayment, ever, and have no restrictions on how they can be spent. There's no strings.
Non-profit organizations and new businesses founded during the pandemic can also qualify, including schools, churches, and clinics, as long as they meet the program requirements. If you're not sure if you meet the requirements, I encourage you to take the free eligibility assessment to determine if you can qualify, and how much you may be able to claim... before the deadline.
There's a lot of money available to be claimed, and no upper limit on funding. It's even easy to complete the application, so what are you waiting for?
Find out if you qualify, fast, free, and with no obligation, at - then use the 15 Minute Refund program to get every cent you deserve, guaranteed.