Compare Your Current NY Worker Comp Rates with the Latest 2023 Rate Update

Nov 10, 2022

The New York labor market is competitive & can be tough for companies to find the best insurance rates. To get a competitive edge for its clients, Enforce Coverage Group announced the latest rates for NY workers comp insurance.

Compare Your Current NY Worker Comp Rates with the Latest 2023 Rate Update

The release of new workers' compensation rates in New York State is a big deal. The changes will affect businesses across different industries and it's important that you're aware, so Enforce Coverage Group has made sure there are no surprises for your company!

Effective October 1, 2022, the latest pricing for New York State workers' compensation insurance is available on our website. We list three of Enforce Coverage's most competitive carriers to help you find a rate that meets your needs!

To find rates by industry, visit

Enforce Coverage Group, a leading workers' compensation insurance broker, is proud to announce the release of new workers' compensation rates in New York State, effective October 1, 2022. The rate tables on the NYC broker's website list the latest workers comp pricing for the New York State Fund compared to 3 of the insurance carriers that they use to get clients the most competitive rates.

The Enforce Coverage website offers the latest rates by the industry for trucking, retail, manufacturers, restaurants, and contractors. These rates are updated regularly to ensure that businesses have the most recent pricing information.

Clients and those shopping for new coverage can review rates by workers comp class code and compare the state fund rates to three competitive insurance carriers Enforce represents. These rate charts give business owners a good idea of how the rates compare with their existing policy and can help them make an informed decision on their coverage.

New York business owners must have worker's compensation insurance in place to protect employees in the event of a work-related injury or illness. The cost of this coverage can be significant, so it's essential to shop around and compare rates from different carriers to ensure the company gets the best price possible.

Here at Enforce Coverage Group, we're passionate about helping business owners get competitive pricing on their worker's comp insurance policies. Our experienced brokers work with you to find the right coverage at rates that will make your payroll go around! We have access to not just one but many carriers in order o help your company find the best policy to meet your needs and budget. Visit our website at or call (212) 947-4298 for more information.

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