Bakersfield Solar Panel Financing Plan – Decrease Home Appliance Energy Bills

Jan 5, 2023

At Semper Solaris, we bring the same discipline and attention to detail we gained in the military to all our Bakersfield customers. Get financing and enjoy optimal appliance efficiencies thanks to your local Semper Solaris (661-577-4888).

Bakersfield Solar Panel Financing Plan - Decrease Home Appliance Energy Bills

Imagine your household appliances drawing power directly from the sun. That's what happens when you invest in solar panels.

Solar power provides a positive net environmental impact while reducing your household energy expenses because it's generated from a natural energy source and not fossil fuels.

With the latest in solar panel technology and the industry's best financing plans, Semper Solaris helps you increase your household appliance efficiencies while reducing your carbon footprint.

Get the right plan and solar panel system for your home at

When you switch to solar panels, you enjoy a rippling return on your investment. Not only can solar panels pay for themselves in under a decade, but they generate electricity for years, powering your household appliances without emitting pollutants. Semper Solaris is helping homeowners in Bakersfield find the most affordable solutions for their unique domestic needs through 0% financing and payment options that work with your household budget.

Solar panels are engineered to convert sunlight into electricity. Over the years, this technology has improved significantly to deliver greater efficiency, which means more and more homeowners are ready to make the switch.

If you'd count yourself as part of this group, Semper Solaris can help you achieve your solar panel goals.

Here's a quick 101 on the subject:

Solar panels have two layers, one negatively charged, and one positively charged. Traditional solar panels use monocrystalline or polycrystalline silicon cells.

The most common solar panels are known as Photovoltaic solar panels (PV), which are made of an array of silicon solar cells, similar to the materials used in computer chip semiconductors.

A more affordable option is the thin-film array of cells (TFSC) which use less material and can be produced in higher quantities.

When you pair the right panel system with a solid financing plan, federal solar tax credits, and 0% down, your solar panel system makes worrying about your energy bill a thing of the past.

A multi-award-winning company, Semper Solaris is now America’s number one manufacturer and installer of solar panels and accompanying energy-storing batteries. The veteran-owned company's name is inspired by the Marine Corps motto “Semper Fidelis” which means always faithful.

A company representative says, “We offer you the best in US-made solar power technologies, including Silfab Solar high-quality panels and Qcells, one of the world’s largest and most recognized photovoltaic manufacturers. With our lifetime warranty and in-house financing plans, you can get the best in solar panel technology to bring your energy expenses and your carbon footprint down to zero.”

Semper Solaris connects you to a natural, infinite energy source that'll increase your household appliance efficiencies while decreasing your impact on the environment. Who knew it was so simple to get the best of both worlds!

Is it time you lowered your energy bills by powering up to solar? Learn more at

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