Am I An Alcoholic? Pathfinders Recovery Shares Substance Abuse Warning Signs

Mar 7, 2022

Pathfinders Recovery Center (866-604-7830) is committed to helping residents in Aurora, CO find healing from their substance abuse. We recently released a new report entitled, “I drink every night, am I an alcoholic?”

Am I An Alcoholic? Pathfinders Recovery Shares Substance Abuse Warning Signs

Do you drink alcohol every night? Even if you drink only one beer a day, you are still at risk of alcohol addiction! For you to safely drink in moderation, we recommend that you read our latest report!

Continuing our mission to support those on their healing journey, we at Pathfinders Recovery Center announce our new report, “I drink every night, am I an alcoholic?” In it, we address the danger signs of impending substance addiction and help you to determine safe quantities of alcohol that you can consume without significantly increasing the risk of dependency.

Our new report suggests that one unit of alcohol (which is equivalent to around one can of beer) is relatively safe. Anything beyond that can be considered a red flag and should be properly monitored to avoid substance addiction. Though men and women differ in how many alcohol units they can consume each day, it is always good to err on the side of caution.

Supporting data confirms this. With millions of Americans suffering from alcohol abuse and many thousands of young adults becoming addicted to substances each year, experts caution the public to be more aware of how many alcohol units they consume each day. This is especially true among those who are younger, who often feel invulnerable to the effects of substance abuse.

Nevertheless, once addicted, a person most likely will display withdrawal symptoms once they enter an alcohol detox program. This includes fever, fatigue, and cold sweats, along with chronic irritability.

The threat of these symptoms may discourage patients from visiting their local rehab center. However, withdrawal symptoms are less harmful than the actual addiction. Whereas the former only lasts for a few weeks, the latter can be a lifelong condition and can affect your quality of life and your personal relationships.

We provide holistic wellness programs for drug and substance abuse recovery. Not only do we offer 12-step strategies, but we also encourage you to participate in intensive therapy to remove the underlying cause of the addiction.

We have two branches in Scottsdale, AZ, and Aurora, CO.

It’s never too late to find healing. If you are struggling or suspect your loved one is addicted to drinking or substances, please give us a call today. Go today to check out their articles on everything from alcohol withdrawal symptoms to insurance coverage for rehab so you can learn more.

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