10 Stupidly Funny Names You’ll Be Glad You Don’t Have – We Hope


Everybody’s got that friend with a funny name – but believe me, those names are nothing compared to the entries on our list. From D-bag to Jack Goff and Dicksmasher, get ready for some serious head-scratching. Pity the owner and laugh at the name? An awkward combination, but here goes:

1. At least it’s jolly.

funny names

2. Doesn’t look like a D-bag, though.

funny names

3. She did get elected once!

funny names

4. Why “smasher”, though?

funny names

5. Who would have expected?

funny names

6. Would have fitted the guy above better. And vice versa.

funny names

7. Anything but Jack would have worked.

funny names

8. Should cave called him Dennis. Or not.

funny names

9. It’s Richard.

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10. Probably an error, still funny.

funny names Which one’s your favorite? Tag a friend with a funny name to make them feel better!