10 Savage Memes That Are Practically Just Photo Kicks In The Groin


Savage memes – the infamous memes that cross all lines in terms of offensiveness. Race, sex, sexual orientation – these memes just don’t care. They’re savage. They’re outrageously funny.

You’ll love them – unless you’re the easily offended type. And be thankful they’re just memes, otherwise these would probably have attacked you. They’re mean little mad dogs disguised as pictures. Care to take a look?

1. Karma.

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2. At least his T-shirt isn’t ripped to shreds like the other kid’s.

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3. None of them look happy.

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4. That satisfied look.

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5. What’s with her handle, though?

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6. Thank God there’s a filter in our mind somewhere out there.

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7. Before it’s too late.

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8. Logical response.

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9. Ten pounds matter.

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10. Turned her career off alright, though. Sorry, Ronda!

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There go our ten savage memes – share them with your friends if you think they can handle them!