Posts Tagged: "nihilist memes"

20 Nihilist Memes Because Life Has No Meaning

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There are two kinds of nihilists: optimistic and dreadful. We prefer to look at the meaninglessness of life in a funny way, so here are 20 nihilist memes for your enjoyment. Not that it matters because we will all die anyway. LOL That means you are also dead inside....

10 Nihilist Memes That Are Unexpectedly & Unintentionally Encouraging

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Don’t know about you, but a good dose of nihilist humor has always seemed encouraging to me. If you’re tired of those boring old motivational pics, why not try some nihilism once in a while? Sure, it’s not exactly the thousand-yard-stare-into-the-abyss philosophical nihilism, but it’s pretty funny and unexpectedly helpful....

21 Things Every Person Who Is Dead Inside Will Find Funny

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There comes a point in your life when you’ve already had enough of everything. Responsibilities, relationships, school, work, and whatnot. These all kill us from inside and we just give up and go with the flow until we die. I don’t know, nothing matters. Nihilist memes. Bye....