10 Funny Dog & Cat Memes You’ll Want To Share With Your Pets


Dogs and cats are completely opposite, yet equally lovable. And while it may seem that cats have won the internet – cat videos, cat memes and funny cat pictures are everywhere, right? – there’s still something to be said for a good dog meme once in a while.

Put them together though and you get these amazing funny dog and cat memes to share with your friends – human and animal alike!

1. The dog pillow.

funny dog and cat memes

2. Dogs and cats in a nutshell.

funny dog and cat memes

3. Feline dedication.

funny dog and cat memes

4. Let’s not forget the pillow.

funny dog and cat memes

5. They always do.

funny dog and cat memes

6. Dog wannabe…

funny dog and cat memes

7. … or cat wannabe?

funny dog and cat memes

8. The terror.

funny dog and cat memes

9. Who’s lying?

funny dog and cat memes

10. Finally, a friendlier one. Hopefully.

funny dog and cat memes

Liked these? Share them with your dog and cat loving friends to spread the lovely pet humor!